Wednesday, 2 December 2009

First draft of contents page

Here is my contents page. I looked at a previous catalogue and took idea's and layout to use on my contents page. I have included pictures which will draw the audience in and make them want to read further. I also have included a bold title clearly telling the audience that it is a contents page. I have included page numbers to clearly tell the audience where to find those specific topics in the magazine. I have included subheading which gives a little bit more information about the pictures and i have also included the cast who help put together this magazine. To give it a more realistic effect, i have included a picture of the front cover of the magazine onto the contents page.

Monday, 30 November 2009

First draft of front cover for magazine

This is my first draft of my front cover. I have specifically used a mid-shot photo as the background for my front cover. This has worked really well because i was able to place of photos around it and for it to not look that busy.

I have also included a strap line, including my title of the magazine. Also a bit of inside information which will be explained in detail inside the magazine. This will hopefully attract the readers attention.

I have also include a bar code and the price to make my magazine seem realist. Also included a few photos which have been taken in and around the college, and this will also attract the readers and make them want to read more into the magazine.

Weekly review - Week 2

Within my week two action plan, i have done my mock design of my front cover. I have also taken on board all the feedback which i have received from my target audience. I then did a photo shoot. Whilst doing my photo shoot i had to taken on board all the different angles, shoots, and what to actually use as to be in the photo. I then had to choose which photo i wanted to use for my front cover, taking on board everything the audience have said. I think i am going to use the portrait photo of Mali, because its a clear photo, with a typical young student listening to her ipod whilst working. I then have to start a basic design on the comment.

The photos for the front cover

These are the photos which i may use for the front cover of the student magazine. I took a varity of different photos and depending on which photo i get the most feedback on, i shall use on the front cover.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Planning Photo-shoot

Whilst planning my photo shoot, i must take on board all my feedback and what the audience want to see on the front cover of the student magazine. From all the feedback i have received, i have noticed my audience want to see fashion, music, and student life.
I will use females for the front cover, because i had a lot of female feedback. I might experiment with using both females and males and then see which would be best to use on my front cover.
I am going to mix my photos and take a few inside and a few outside, so that i have a choice of photos to choose from.
The photos will be in colour, due to my feedback the audience want the photos to be in colour as they are more eye-catching for the audience.

Weekly review - Week one

Within my first week, i firstly set up my blog, so i was able to get used to the programme and become familiar with the programme.
Next i created my first post which was on my action plan. I found this quite easy to create this action post. I have received some good feedback from this post, saying weather it is an achievable action plan.
I then did some research on existing student magazines, which helped me get a few good ideas on what to put on my own magazine. I also uploaded a few photos of the magazine with the text.
To be able to decide on the audience of my magazine, i created a questionnaire which i had lots of feedback from, it was very useful information.
I also did some research on photos which were used on the student magazines. I then was able to create my own front cover of a magazine, using all the titles the same and able to get a few tips from them.

Within my second week i am going to start planning my photo shoot so i am able to start using a few of those photos on my front cover of the student magazine.
I am also going to begin my design on the computer, and i will try to put it all together using everything.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Possible names for my magazine

Possible names for my magazine, please leave comments and tell me which you think is best, or any others which aren't on there. Thank you

Sophies News

Sophie Skin

Sandy Sophie And The Hybrid Ogre

Working Sophie And The Movement

Obnoxious Sophie

Vanilla Sophie

Behind Sophie

My own student magazine 2

Here i have created another student magazine, but i have used another different photo of a student as the backgound, and i have included a strapeline at the top of the page, and i have included exclucive text, barcode, masthead, and an image.

My own student magazine

This is my own magazine, which i have created on Publisher. I have included a picture of two teenagers and used that as the background. I have also included a bar code, masthead, exclusive text and a strapeline.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Questionnaire - What do the audience want?

Here is a questionnaire to try and find out what the audience want on the front cover of the next student magazine. This will be to try and make is as successful as possible for the audience. Please copy and paste it into a comment underneath an write your answers.
Thank you.

1. What should the student magazine be about? For example...
.College life

2. What would be a suitable name for a student magazine? Write some suggestions below...

3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...

4.What do you think the price should be?

5. What kind of photos do you think would be suitable for the front cover?
.Recent events
.Images or photos
.Hand drawn

6. What colour sceme do you want on the front cover?
.Black and white
.Colour (Be specific)

7.How old are you?
.Under 13

8.How often do you read magazines?
.Few times a week
.Once a month

9.What genre of magazines do you like to read?

10. Are you male or female?

Thank you for taking time to fill in this questionaire.

Analysing student magazine, issue 8

Secondly i am analysing the front cover of issue 8, ludlow college student magazine.
The front cover is covered in photos which have happened at a previous event. The phtos are eyecatching and really colourful for the audience to look at. Also, the photos at the bottom of the cover, are from 'new york' which is what some of the students went on previously. The title at the top of the page is eyecatching, and in two different fonts colours. It is a range from capital letters and lower case letters.
The background used is dark, so all the font which as been put onto the front cover, has been made to stand out and contrast with thr background. The font varys from large font, to small font, i think this is to emphasis how some things are more important for the audience to read.
The photos are of stduents who are at the ludlow college bash. Typically they all have alcholic drinks in their hands.
Layered on top of the photos are love hearts, which make the photos stand out more and make them seem important.
The price is also important on this magazine, because it makes it seem more realistic for the audience.
There is side headings on the side of the magazine. This gives an insight of whats happening inside the magazine. It draws the audience in and makes them what to read more inside the magazine.
On the new york photos there is a picture of 'NY', and a heart next to it, to show that the student who visited new york, really enjoyed it.
There is a banner at the bottom of the front cover, which emphasises the New York pictures.
Within the front cover, there is a picutre which has been placed on the cover which is of a basket full of easter eggs. This links to the period of time which theis may have been produced, around easter time.
This is aimed at young students because there is lots of photos of students at the bash, and the sub-headings are something that students would like, and be intrested in.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Analysing first student magazine

Analysing the issue 11, ludlow college student magazine

Firstly, the background used on the magazine is bright and eye-catcing for the audience. The photos which have been used are group shots, which are linked to more photos inside the magazine. The photos are of young groups of college students. This links to who the aimed audience are. Personally i think the audience is young students, as the magazine is published in college, and sold in college.

The font used on the front cover of the magazine is varied. I think this is so that its not consistant, and so it seems more eye-catching for the audience.

The information produced on the front of the magazine, gives the audience an insight into the magazine. The other useful information produced on the front of the magazine, is the price of the magazine, and the the issue number. This is vital, because it makes it more realistic for the audience. The use of font size, eye-catches the audience. The big bold font in the middle of the front cover, emphasises something big which has happened previously and updates college students.

The use of repetation on the little title at the top of the front cover 'The ludlow college magazine' makes it stick into the audiences mind, and emphasises what they are about to read.

The background emphasises the bash which peviously happened. The background is of balloons and pink tinsle, which is what is used at 'partys' or 'bash's.'

There are links between the photos and text used on the front cover, the text is fancy and swish writing, and the photos are at a fancydress bash which links to the text used.

Action plan

Week 1
1. Set up my blog
2. Make my first entry, action plan.
3. Research on exsisting student magazines and upolad photos and comment.
4. Decide on target audience, for example a poll
5. Construct an audience questionaire for example, what they want to see on a student magazine.
6. Research on photos which are used on student magazine, and the titles which are used in the magazine.

Week 2
1. Mock design. Draw by hand, scan and upload. Feedback from target audience.
2. Organise and do photoshoot
3. Begin design on computer

Week 3
1. Continue designing
2. Complete first draft of pages, get feedback from audience
3. Make appropriate changes based on feedback

Week 4
1. Finnish pages and evaluate
2. Check quality of finnished product.